Capacity covered by the smell: 250m2-300m2

Reservoir of the smell: 1 equity /250 m

Measurement: 23cm(wide)x 24cm(high)x 10.5cm (depth)

LCD Screen: 4 x 14

Sound (1 metre Distance): 16 db

Our smell system is smart and it doesnt bring any interference. It is enough to set it only once. It operates by the principle of 220 V-240 V(12W)

It is possible to program the machine’s operation on how many hours and days you would want it work or rest. In addition,it even has 9 programs and you can use it like you want. For example, in the morning you can use your machine between 07:00 and 10:00 in a duration of 180 seconds(3 min) and allow it to rest for 60seconds(1min). If you want, you can put a different program and you can choose a duration of 25seconds and allow it to rest for 120 seconds if you wish.

Like this one,its possible to put 9 different programs.